AreaCodeEz© 403

4.7 ( 4227 ratings )
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Developer: GeneralLine
0.99 USD

AreaCodeEz© 403 provides a Fast, Easy, and Safe way to update the entire contact list in seconds. It inserts the area code 1(403) in front of the 7-digit phone numbers with one push, no more editing one phone number at a time.

After April 9, 2016, everyone in the area code 403 will have to dial a 10–digit number to call another 403 number. Callers must convert 7-digit numbers to 10-digits to include the area code. Updating all the contacts on a smart device can be a demanding task. The app AreaCodeEz 403 provides a Fast, Easy, and Safe way to update the entire contact list in an instant.

AreaCodeEz© 403 serves users in the area code 403 region during the area code expansion period to allow users to update their mobile phone or tablet contact list with ease. This app searches and inserts the area code 1(403) in front of phone numbers where it is needed and updates the entire list with just one push. It eliminates the user’s need to manually update the contact list one phone number at a time. AreaCodeEZ 403 is General Lines app offering from the AreaCodeEz product family, following the successful launch of AreaCodeEz 415 in early 2015.

AreaCodeEz 403 is a product of General Line®.

About General Line
General Line is a software development and consulting company. Founded in 1988, General Line initially specialized in business computer connectivity solutions and has evolved to provide services including customized computer programming, web development, software quality control, test automation, network simulation, and application development. The Company is headquartered in Saratoga, California in the heart of Silicon Valley, and serves a broad base of customers in hi-tech, government, education, large/small enterprises, and e-commerce.

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